Crazy, Stupid, Love (2011)

In our second Valentine's Day special, we jump into one of our absolute favorite romantic comedies, "Crazy, Stupid, Love." Starring Steve Carell, Julianne Moore, Ryan Gosling, and Emma Stone, this movie left a lasting impact on us and we're excited to break it all down!
*Draft starts at 45:22*
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(00:00) [Music] foreign [Music] I want to say stuff that I want to say for the podcast we're supposed to be recording right now that we haven't started so I guess we just started yeah we started we could start all right let's get started okay so it's the movie propcast I'm Justin here with Tyler we're back and it's Valentine's Day uh grab your lovers and and hold them closely and listen to this episode with them but on two devices so we get double the views yeah yes yeah genius you're
(00:43) you're a marketing genius so don't pass don't don't give you know like in in like Middle School you'd be like high school you'd be like you're having earbud you know you'd be listening to the same thing it's cute don't put them both on your head give them another device to listen to it on so we can get double the double the listings double the downloads uh you're a good marketer a good man sometimes no that's it that's it I'm sure everyone who's listening is very
(01:05) happy that we're telling them to just Spam up our uh our reviews and downloads but now listen if you listen to this right now we obviously appreciate you guys a lot and uh and maybe you're not listening on Valentine's Day maybe I hope you had a great Valentine's Day and or are currently having a great Valentine's Day um I guess if you're listening to this you're either either at work or on your way to work and you're not actually I would imagine you're probably not out on a date right now hopefully not or else
(01:34) it's going pretty bad right now uh if we're the ones you're you're leaning on but uh again it feels good to know that remember we end every podcast saying that we love you so I mean like we're gonna end this one I think yeah we're gonna end this one saying I love you not just love Crazy Stupid Love whoa yeah thanks uh that's uh that's obviously what you're listening to we have watched it our retinas have touched the whole length of this film uh which is what people say no it's it's not it's
(02:03) not please watch I don't know we'll see uh this is one of my all-time favorites uh now I say I guess I have to say rom-coms romantic comedies yeah I guess I have to preface that because I do Honestly though like when I really think about it this doesn't come up when people say it's my what are your favorite movies but it really should because I just think it's so well done I think again like we're gonna get into it deep but just right now my quick review of this movie is when I watched it the
(02:33) first time I was like whoa that was a lot of stuff and a lot of stuff was going on and it was beautiful and the way it was tied together and the way it actually felt real was good but I love this film so like I I talk a lot about things that I love in movies and something we haven't explored yet that I love his movies with uh parallel plot lines like plaid a platy like Pulp Fiction one of my top favorite movies you have like multiple stories going at once not that this movie is Pulp Fiction but you have some
(03:04) would say better okay all right but you got you have your plaid a you have your plop B you have your plot C and then when they culminate that is probably one of the best in this movies like the payoff the payoff is incredible yeah uh and I will say the first time I watch this movie and that's what makes this so good I don't remember any of the the trailers of this film I think it was it was 2011.
(03:31) I don't remember the trailers I don't remember the lead up I just watched the movie yeah and I don't know if they gave anything away I'd have to go back like like and see if it was given away I hope it wasn't given away in in the trailers but to be just that surprised that everything tied together that payoff was so good that like it that's what really bumps this movie up to like top tier for me especially romantic comedies it's one of my favorites of all time if I saw the trailer and it was given
(04:00) away and I went to watch this it would not feel the same no I think it's still a really it would be really good movie but that twist got me like the first time I watched it actually got me this movie is great to see like with no like I I was trying to voice say seeing it blind but this is a great movie to see with no information whatsoever just completely blanks late it's so yeah so to be fair I kind of wish we could see almost all movies without a a really like a trailer that gives it all the way like trailers that give it all away are
(04:34) really it's like a what is it you you're the you're the guy is epidemic pandemic it's not a pandemic we've already went through one of those there's too much going on with that yeah we're doing it too much there's way too many like I was so excited recently the Super Bowl just happened so excited to see The Flash trailer but already wish that I had just seen it right without seeing it because I would have I would have absolutely lost my mind yes and I see and I know why you're doing that then this we're on
(05:01) another tangent if you haven't seen this uh you can go check it out but it's probably all over the place it that particular movie I think they have to Market it loudly in the way that they did otherwise yeah to get people to be like no we're still kind of here like this is a this is this is a that's a pivotal movie yeah for the future of whatever that James Gunn is doing with the DC Universe even if all that gets scrapped that's the movie that's scrapping it so it's like a self-sabotage film so again we're on
(05:29) another other planet here but uh yeah that I see what you're saying trailers are disgusting they really should just be T and if they do teasers they do teaser teaser trailers they do trailer one one yep yeah it's either one teaser two trailer two one two and I'm like just stop please like you can piece it all together and that's that's half the film I don't like it uh but again that that just ties it together like the effectiveness of a movie when you go in blind and you're just watching it and
(05:55) and enjoying it for what it is without without having like oh where is that scene gonna come in or like oh wait he's wearing the thing from the trailer something's about to happen like you know what I mean yeah that like I just love this film so much and obviously the cast we haven't even gotten into stupid star studies like absolutely on Fire cast uh real quick before we get into obviously Steve Carell uh plays Cal in this film I I realize when I'm going on IMDb usually they do first and last names
(06:25) all the main characters don't have last names no last names yeah they never did they ever mention yeah oh they do actually yeah you're right no you're right yeah for some reason in IMDb they really just omitted it they don't even say last names on IMDb that's like a weird thing to me for some reason because we always go to IMDb to to go down obviously the cast but uh Steve Carell star of the film plays it perfectly obviously this is but that's mainly because when we looked at looked up a
(06:52) little tidbit of this film when they were writing this film it was based on life experiences of the writer and the writer had Steve Carell in mind to to be the guy and eventually he wound up seeing it came across his desk he said oh I'm in and that's and that was that and then from there it just snowballed we got Ryan Gosling as Jacob uh Julianne Moore as Emily Emma Stone which is by the way 2011 I may or may not have it ever I think a lot of people yeah Emma Stone everybody who saw Emma Stone for the first time was like this
(07:25) is the one guys so like Emma Stone this is Leaps and Bounds from Emma Stone in uh super bad we did super bad yeah like seeing Emma Stone in this versus Emma Stone Superbad she is out of her shell she's just a star at this point and yeah and she's just amazing like I fell in love watching this movie again just seeing I think I think I realized now why they did this in IMDb because of the twist they don't want to take any of those characters names if you're just casually looking at the cast you're not
(07:54) gonna see that Hannah Emma Stone's character also has the same last name as everybody else because of that twist I think that's okay now I get it and I respect IMDb even more that they did they did that to just kind of hide the twist um obviously there's other people I don't know I mean I don't know the like Jessica and Robbie obviously uh the babysitters Jessica Robbie's the son uh Marissa Tomei just as as the teacher yeah out of nowhere and I would I would I'm not going to say crazy like she's
(08:23) that whole that whole scene with her well obviously we're going to get into that and just the bar and the atmosphere of that and the idea of picking up women after the the vibe of this movie completely shifts we open up the film and there there's literally like I want a divorce and then that's it that's how that the tone has been set and that whole thing happens that car ride home very uncomfortable everything that happens leading up to it um I was trying to think like I mean it's it's all right uh just a couple
(08:55) others who are stars now but we're not stars then and they had small roles Joey King is the youngest daughter she's like a big rom-com on Netflix she's like big on Netflix right now Joey King is she looked familiar yeah when I saw her I was like who's that girl she did it yeah she's done the kissing booth I watched all three of them don't judge me but um those would be our other Valentine's Day movies um but yeah she's someone and then just Crystal Reed was on Teen Wolf and that's
(09:24) that's really it which I had a huge crush on her too because I watched I watched TV she's kind of cute I didn't know she was in this yeah oh he's very short I mean short teen she's just one of the girls that's trying to get picked up but uh Kevin Bacon can't can't not mention Kevin I forgot yeah uh David lindhagen Lynn Hagen and even Josh Groban Josh Groban is Richard Emma Stone's boy friend you don't you never really know how long they were together but the fact that Emma Stone
(09:54) yeah he's a weird dude he was super weird like very uncomfortable like I couldn't even tell there how do you love that guy yeah how do you even love that guy I don't know he's he's weird that was that that was the whole dynamic it was weird but yeah um yeah Josh Groban out of nowhere I was like I didn't even know he was doing a lot of acting at that time but uh but he's since done a few more roles but he was pretty good for being that he was a weirdo that just oh yeah and that's what
(10:20) his role was Richard was just a weird guy but I love that he the friend uh I forgot what her name was in this film I'm now I can't even see her oh Liz her Emma Stone's friend in this movie Hannah's friend Liz was awesome by the way uh and and just every scene that there was they were in together she was hilarious and she's just like outwardly and openly crapping on her boyfriend Richard I wish Liz got more screen time she's one of those characters that like the three seconds she's on camera steals
(10:49) it she was hilarious I loved it yeah she was a good time uh but that that I guess also set the mood because you got to know like if your friend disapproves of who you're with it's like already you already know it's like kind of on rocks you're like okay I don't it's weird uh so she I don't know that whole situation with Emma Stone where she's expecting something which leads to another thing it all snowballs but like you said these these I'm gonna call them timelines but these everybody's on their own little
(11:16) path yeah and when it crashes together it's amazing and uh I just think that's what really put it over top and I'm now I'm just saying the same thing over and over again uh because again I don't I don't want to get into too much as far as the the prop cast and the movie props in this film when the draft comes up there's not a whole lot to go off of uh we obviously picked this movie because it's one of our favorites and it's Valentine's Day and it's a rom-com but like we said what's different about
(11:43) this one that separates it from the like the the stereotypical like Freddie Prince Jr comedies I'm not attacking them but I'm just saying like there's like a there was a genre yeah and it was it was there was like a niche and that that all kind of just kind of did the same story this one was obviously a little more adult yeah like a little more mature they're they're older they've they've already done you know what I mean they've been married forever uh so it hits a lot of people
(12:12) differently and it obviously goes to another audience but I feel like there's enough in this movie especially with Ryan Gosling's character Jacob that it does kind of tick all the boxes yeah uh for for everybody at some point in this film so I gotta say I made a note the opening scene with Jacob whatever his Swagger is I need that in liquid form in a bottle because that was absolutely incredible his confidence that and this wasn't even like the misogynism part like because I would never do that but just his ability to
(12:48) just straight up hold that conversation and like the part where he I think he asked him uh he has Hannah are you attracted to me and her friend says yes and he looks at the Liz and he's like she is right and then like yeah just that like him not being a jerk just his ability to say those things straight faced and actually just believe it was just mind-blowing like Ryan Gosling was out of his mind right for sure when obviously watching this as a young man I was like wow that's you know I'm I was what 20 at the time so I was like man
(13:19) that's I I would aspire to be again like you said I'm not like I would I never wanted to be like a womanizer but just to be able to walk up to somebody and be like hey what's up that was that that's that's insane especially at the time I was like how do you how do you even fathom that like I don't know it's fascinating but I would honestly love to see I would have loved to see some flashbacks but you know I mean obviously that's this whole shtick is they you know he doesn't ever tell
(13:43) anybody about him you know that's his so in those montages you were never going to learn anything about him when he's going through all those women and just talking and he's like you want to get out of here you want to get out of here you want to get out of here over and over again and that was like that was shot beautifully by the way where it's like it's moving around the club yeah and it's just him in different areas like there's it's a time lapse but you're like how how many how how much
(14:05) has passed like it's insane but that was another thing it was like when when he's first on the screen like you said he's like a I don't know I want to say he's like a Mafia Boss but the way he died I don't know what his exactly was I don't know what it was either but when he's out there just slapping Steve Carell up and like uh the cow will call him cow because I don't want to keep saying Steve Carell but when he sat when he's slapping Cal up and he's just like no
(14:27) you're not we're not doing this we're doing this this is how it is and and he has no choice because he's obviously it's a pushover at this point and he's just like yeah okay we're doing it whatever but he's like hates every second of it I just I love that whole dynamic that that scene where they're trying to make him I don't I guess change his image that Steve Carell makeover uh was was something else and honestly every time I watch it I'm like he's kind of right
(14:52) like I'm looking at my closet and I'm like I mean I need to get some new stuff like the scene where he pulls out his velcro wallet and and Jacob looks completely repulsed like he takes the credit card and he's like that mean picture oh my God I almost lost it it was yeah there's a lot of scenes where he's just like got crapping on him but he's like trying to just he's crappy straight forward yeah I mean he's just being straightforward he's telling it like it is uh no but he's trying to
(15:20) come on um no that Dynamic is so great and again that's another another relationship that that when it all culminates you know what they know and it makes it makes that that end game just so much better because it's like you're you've been along with the ride you've got backstory for on everybody and when that all crescendos I'm just gonna say it right now I don't know why I'm pushing it to the end that scene and if you've seen this movie you've obviously listened to the podcast
(15:48) you know what I'm talking about that's seen where there is a back and forth with obviously Cal and Emily where it's like they're almost gonna do like they're almost they know they know they still love each other they're talking and then something happens and it'll crumbles again and then they're talking again and they're like they want to call each other up and then it crumbles again and then finally he feels feels like it's time and he goes and he's he does the one big Grand gesture in the backyard
(16:12) where he makes a little Putt-Putt course and starts reciting everything and then Jacob walks in well first off when Hannah walks in that's when initially the first time you watched the movie you're like oh oh dude like why why is this yeah why yeah that's insane and then Jacob comes falling in afterwards and then you're like okay everybody's crap is hitting the fan on top of the babysitter's dad who comes in and starts a fight and then and then freaking Kevin Bacon David lindhagen is just slithering around the yard and
(16:45) he's like hey you got your sweater oh my God that scene was so great it was chaos but it was it was so worth it they had two hidden things I because I don't think they showed the entire movie that the babysitters the daughter of his friend do they they keep that a secret too is what do you mean the daughter of whose friend his babies is true that yeah that is so yeah yeah you don't know that until the mom finds the naked photos and then takes it to the husband and you're like oh at least I don't
(17:16) remember seeing earlier on they might have like said the last names and then I completely forgot right that was yeah that one didn't obviously wasn't like a big like I I barely even registered uh the guy who plays the Dad Bernie his name's John Carroll Lynch that is the ultimate guy that guy from that thing guy oh 100 he's he's that guy from that thing like he you see his face and you're like oh he's uh yeah I see that guy a lot I don't know his name and I'm looking at it right now it's John
(17:43) Carroll Lynch yeah I know I know I said maybe next time I see him like he's probably you know what I mean we keep tabs on how many how many actors we've done their movies yeah we probably every movie this guy's probably been in we didn't even know like we wouldn't even know he's probably high on the list I don't know it's just something about that guy but but yeah that that whole scene where it all culminates I can't I can't get enough of it the only thing that was lacking
(18:07) that also did get a payoff and if you're watching right now on our YouTube channel you can see Tyler's background the Marissa Tomei Kate the the teacher of the Sun that that was the payoff for that but she would have had no reason to show up at that at that thing that would have really just been over the top but yeah she got her payoff at that moment at the uh the teacher conference so and so okay we're I'm jumping to the beginning real quick because the entire movie I don't know how you do with these
(18:36) kind of movies but I'm very empathetic and I put myself in the rules of characters just because yeah that opening car ride where cow yes so so Cal's wife Emily says I want a divorce and you're like okay this can't possibly get any worse then they're in a quiet car ride and then she's like I slept with a co-worker and then you're like okay this can't possibly do this and then she just keeps going on and on until Cal jumps out of the car then I don't blame him I don't I I'm from Tuck
(19:08) and rolling not at all I jump out of the car too 100 but then you flash forward to this uh parent-teacher night and Emily finds out the cow's been on multiple dates and Cal ultimately slept with his uh son's teacher unknowingly unknowingly right but then and then it flips to Cal being the bad guy and I'm I'm still kind of on Cal side at this side he does he does admit to sleeping with the nine women and it's hard so then at that point I'm like okay I'm not really on calcite anymore right that's
(19:44) what I'm saying like yeah like I could understand I can understand I mean I don't know this whole situation obviously Cal's trying to trying to play it off and and Kate the teacher isn't is not playing it off she's definitely not playing it not at all there's no discretion she is out for blood so I would say in that moment in the classroom I thought Emily handled it pretty well like the I thought I thought she handed it pretty well because she was just like oh okay there's something they're not
(20:14) talking about the kid anymore like there's some she's still playing along with it I think she would have understood if it was just her and been like okay obviously you've been on date like it's crazy but if you love somebody still you know I mean obviously I think she's still loved like she wanted she wanted to fight and she wanted she wanted there to be some passion and everything and that there just wasn't getting it the fact that he tucked and rolled from that car was telling that he
(20:38) was just kind of giving up and he says it obviously he references that and later in the film towards the end I I I get her being upset and like you said you you get it as well but like when if he's she still loves him and if he she finds out that he's just going around being a [ __ ] nine women and like what I'm in a few months like that's maybe I don't even know how like there's no real way to know how long it was but yeah I feel like that would still hurt 100 and what he did was excessive it
(21:09) just it just shifted so fast to him being the jerk that I was a little uncomfortable until later on when he legitimately starts being a jerk which he does yeah so it was I was on his team for a while and then he he lost me along the way were you ever on uh Team David lindhagen no that guy can get hit by a car I I dude though he's actually kind of a nice guy it's minor minus the you know the adulterer breaking up a matter yeah yeah the home record I'm I'm very surprised there wasn't a scene where Robbie just
(21:42) punched him in the face I thought that's where it was going and yeah well the scene they got in the office was pretty good that was that was really all they needed to do to be like I'm I'm the son I don't like you period you know and that honestly it should have been enough to discourage him but he I feel like I feel like there's a little Untold it's Kevin Bacon Man you gotta you got him in there he's got a roll the fact that he persevered through that and was still like no I kind of like her like there's
(22:09) there's a there's a story where he's the main character and he's he's the good guy you know what I mean like there is there no there is like if you think hard enough there is a movie where a guy is chasing after a married woman and ends up getting her there there is I just not off the top of my head I'm not saying he's the winner in this film but I'm just saying like it's tough to he was never really a jerk though no he wasn't no he wasn't malicious about it whatsoever he didn't
(22:35) like give a snide wink to the sun like yeah I I yeah which is which honestly would happen in most movies yes but 100 it's like you always feel compelled to just just not destroy but like spin the bad guy as the bad guy make it very obvious and yeah there was I don't know I just feel like we didn't ever we never got that with Linda and lindtag and other than him just being crapped on by everybody else he was like the punching bag by everybody like quite literally yeah literally and it was amazing yeah
(23:05) um Hannah and Jacob I like that Dynamic a lot because Hannah doesn't talk to Jacob for like the entire middle portion of this movie like zero interaction and then she has that awkward graduation thing and her gut reflex is like that one guy at that one place I'm going there she was thinking about him the whole the whole like yeah yeah I mean listen if Ryan Gosling came up to me and was like yeah you're a good looking dude I would remember that my entire life I'd be like oh my God thank you sir
(23:38) especially if you're sitting next to me and he's like your friend's good looking too but you're incredible like that's right essentially what happened and yeah that and he didn't yeah he didn't try to take home with a friend either he went on Along on his business he forgot about her because he's like there's no chance she clearly did not forget about him and that led to one of like my favorite scenes in the movie which was just her walking in the rain back to the freaking
(24:03) bar yeah and taking him home which was that was beautiful which is obviously it's again it breaks his like monotony of like his routine yeah and he's like all right what's going on with this one like and it actually obviously that scene where they're hanging out of his house going through this stuff you know what I mean like just he's actually as soon as he asked asked her I mean like he was already giving information about himself a little bit but when he asked her to be like asking me something about
(24:29) myself that was like boom he's it's over he's like that's that that's game over and even like you said Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling out I'm not just I'm saying actors alone yeah their chemistry's off the charts that's they're also in la la land I just want to mention that is a good movie too so and they win Oscars or at least she once didn't ask her for that I don't know if they did that's good we need more Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling movies yeah I I think every movie from now on
(24:54) should just be the two of them and different parts yes every single movie 100 well no I mean every movie of there every Marvel every DC movie no no why is that the first thing that came to my mind I'm just I was just trying to figure out movies that would be ridiculous to have them star in not that it not that it's ridiculous but like every movie that one of them is in the other needs to be a part of as well is what I'm saying I agree yes I agree with that we should sign a petition but we can start a
(25:20) petition you can start a petition for anything I mean I'm about to just do it even before Jacob asked her to ask him a question like the scene where they're about to uh what did she say uh bang is that oh yeah we're gonna bang and he's like did people say that even the scene but like then where they're just laughing and giggling in bed and they can't like get past the at like all the ridiculous stuff he's bought I had the biggest smile on my face because it just felt so genuine like you said their chemistry was
(25:52) ridiculous like I felt like they were just two people just truly enjoying themselves right and if you ever have loved somebody you know what I mean are you gone through that part you know what I mean like I never they have a have a good relationship you can relate to pretty much anything that's happened in this film aside from the divorce hopefully but I I it just feels like that was a real relationship and it was actually growing and that was the hard part is because and it's the same thing that happened with Cal at the
(26:15) end where he was like I'll never to Jacob I'll never approve of this because he knows too much and I don't blame him like I don't blame him at all like I felt bad and and I know I think even the first time I watched it I was like come on dude throw my bone cause obviously you're rooting for Jacob because you can tell he's changed and he's found something and it's good for him yeah but now I have a kid and I'm like bro I don't blame him I was like yeah that's crazy I don't blame him but if he could
(26:41) see even a glimpse of what we saw that night I I feel like he kind of changed his mind a little bit well really all all he has to hear from his daughter is I know like she knows that she went into the club to go to the club hopping guy you know what I mean and she knows about that and they had a good night and like there's something there so that's that's really like that would have squashed I feel like yeah because like he's obviously ultimately concerned for his daughter if he was withholding that information
(27:09) and that that was a dynamic and she didn't know then it would have been a different thing where like Kyle's like I Know What You Did are you telling her and he's like yeah yeah like that's that's a different story that's not what happened obviously but then I would understand I'd be like yeah that's weird but no everything was out in the open and I think that's what's cool about this movie is it like at any point everybody was pretty pretty open and honest aside from Steve Carell
(27:34) uh Fred Cal in that scene behind you uh in the in the teacher conference where he was like trying to trying to hide everything but yeah I will say I do have one one more grape um the the graduation in the gymnasium oh man who in their right mind is one letting Robbie continue his speech and then letting's Cal get up and then give a speech at a kid's eighth grade graduation that's that's the part I felt weird about right like it's it's I wrote it down too and I was like turning an eighth grade graduation speech into a
(28:09) love is bad speech who's like feels a little forced right it feels a little Force that's like a writer like I need a culmination of something what event can we do eighth grade to have graduate eighth graders have graduations right like they don't need to be something else like it needed to be like a Gala or something like you know I don't know some some sort of other thing that an eighth grade graduation because parents are probably in the crowd like dude come on yes like wrap it up and those were
(28:35) not short speeches they were both like who's sitting through that their principle is cutting that immediately I think the only thing that that kept it going a little bit when when now stepped up was that he was kind of like aware and he was like he was like yeah that's that's weird this is my son yeah he's just you know what I mean like you can kind of sit through that but when he starts going you know I found true love once mine you know what I mean I don't care yeah I want to see little Tony walk
(29:01) across the stage and get a sticker like Italian to you I want to go little Tony we got to go to Pizza uh no I don't you know what I mean like it's an eighth grade graduation it's not even like I'm not saying it's not significant but I mean like it's kind of insignificant the wrong place at the wrong time for that kind of situation but because of the story though because of plot it had to be here then how good was Cal at making you cringe in this movie that's Steve Carell dude that's like his
(29:30) whole shtick I I legitimately paused the movie on three separate occasions because I had secondhand embarrassment yes I had I had to pause it sometimes he just wouldn't shut up yeah it just he's a very weird dude but again that's that guy that's probably why he had Steve Carell in mind when they were writing this film they're like yeah he's the guy that would deliver all this in a way that makes him likable and just weird at the same time but not like creepy weird but just like just a
(29:59) goofball but like you know what I mean like the fact that that's a very hard person to cast because like if you get a like a beautiful actor like a Hollywood actor they they're not gonna get the they're not gonna get the weird goofy like awkward stuff yeah you're not putting Kevin Costner in that role oh no that oh that's that's weird yeah but and on the other side you're not gonna put like I don't know I was going to pick somebody like Jack Black he's not going to be able to get like the sword
(30:31) Rick Moran okay that's a deep cut yeah he kind of was out acting for a while but I'm saying like Jack Black right yeah who's been in a rom-com that a few of them that have been a little over the top but that's that's Jack Black but I'm just trying to imagine anybody else in this role than Steve Carell like there's not a lot of that's a very narrow hope to jump through and and he's the guy Jason Sudeikis yes I would allow that oh yeah he's still sometimes a little cooler than
(31:01) you'd like yeah I think he he kind of plays yeah that's that's a close one I'd say that's a close no Steve Carell is absolutely perfect I'm just I'm just throwing out ideas for no that was a good one that's a good one especially with the the recent success in him all dappered up in in uh in that why am I not remembering that what's the name of that Ted lasso Ted lasso that's it I I was I remember the character's name I was like the show's Ted last show is Ted
(31:27) lasso I genuinely thought you're gonna say reason uh Affair but never mind oh well no I wasn't saying any of that I mean I yeah okay yeah all right um I don't know when you want to get in this draft but there's a couple more things I want to touch on real quick the club scene I just well the scenes in general the club that they're hanging out at I don't understand this has never been my life so I've never really done this or understood how this happens but to just go to a club and pick up women
(31:57) I would think you wouldn't be able to go there every single night especially with him telling Cal hey everyone here knows that your wife cheated on you because you keep talking about it night after night so night after night every woman should know that he's been there picking up women night after night unless they're yeah but they are doing it on purpose though yes like yeah he's the rich guy picking up a woman every night he goes there he has to have a reputation yeah so then that's probably understanding is let's go to
(32:33) that club tonight and see if you get picked up like that's that's okay I could see that but it does seem really weird that you'd fish in the same Pond every night forever I mean if the fish keep biting when do you when do you stop dang oh okay all right okay that was real um there was there was something okay I have a question for you at what age did you stop having a babysitter I never had one never had one I guess I guess if you have older siblings right then that's probably so I did have older siblings my
(33:07) sister babysat me until she went away to college so I guess it like even then when she was in school I guess like 11 11 or 12 I was on yeah pretty much I was one yeah that same thing without like my sister and I like we I just don't remember like needing a babysitter this kid's 13 which by the way at some point at one point he calls him 15.
(33:36) I had I had it written down yeah I had it I was I had it written down at 13. and at some point Cal says when he's talking to Emily he because he got some good advice from him or something like that and he re he says a quote from his son to Emily and he's like that's if that's for my 15 year old son and then at the end he says he's 13 again so I'm like I don't know if that was just like a continuity error or something because I I wrote it down as 13 and then he says 15 and I'm like oh okay it's 15. I crossed out 13 and said
(34:03) 15 and at the end Robbie actually says he's 13 period and I'm like okay that makes sense a 15 year old 8th grader would be kind of weird that'd be crazy but yeah he also says he's four years younger than Jessica and 17. yeah which also I don't want to get into it but that's that's a minor that's a minor uh yeah okay just wanted to say that throw that out there for the universe that was weird uh By the way when she's in this movie that actor is older than us uh she's like 34 35 right
(34:36) now Oh Oh I thought you meant while in the role I was like sir no us right now no oh my God yeah well yeah this is 12 years ago that's crazy that this movie's 12 years old um it still holds up I think so she's 20 something she's 22. and she was in her 20s for this movie for sure she legitimately they down like they de-aged her very yes yeah yeah she gave her yeah they gave her like the the high school teenager like distressed like grease I'm not gonna say Greece but yeah you know what I'm saying yeah
(35:10) it's like this they busted her face up real good for this movie uh no I gotta stop I gotta stop talking but no okay I just wanted to say all that uh I was curious I didn't really understand the babysitter thing that was that was one thing I wanted to mention I just didn't think that that was a uh that was it I think that's it she could have gone Cal arrested oh yeah like yeah if the dad when the police are there just say like my 17 year old daughter sent him nudes boom yeah I was arrested done well yeah
(35:42) luckily no one had a smartphone in this movie which is the one thing that dates it obviously that's always going to date a film but when it's a flip phone a Blackberry dated movies dated uh the slide the slide keyboard like yes I do kind of miss those phones though I I mean this is a conversation for another time I have a bag in here with every cell phone I've ever owned except for like the two I traded in but every cell phone I've had from 2004 up yeah 2004 till now I have tell me you had a sidekick no I didn't know
(36:15) those are for like rich people that was what uh yeah yeah yeah they they like gave those away on like MTV when you wanted to me Motorola razors were for rich people I had a raise no I didn't have a razor my my parents had the chocolate do you remember the chocolate yeah it was like the LG Chocolate yeah yeah I think I actually had one of those but it was a hand-me-down like I got I got my parents hand-me-downs like they would be like upgrade ready here you could have mine yeah I'm like thank you like that was so
(36:46) grateful nowadays kids get freaking iPhone 13 non like not not Pros yeah they're like this is disgusting throw it back okay Grandpa back in my day we had a cellular device and we liked it we had to flip it open uh but yes razors were for the rich people I do remember that uh that's that's all I got uh other than the Jacob comment um where he's taught like like I said when he was asked by or he asked Hannah to ask him about himself when he finally gets into his parents that's when that's the payoff which it actually
(37:24) took my wife and I were just talking Chris and I were just talking when the movie was on that's the payoff of the beginning of the film we're not the beginning of the film but the first time you see Jacob in caltalk yeah he's like maybe maybe I maybe I I don't know if he said what is the line again maybe I recognize something or maybe I see he said You Remind Me you maybe you remind me of someone that's it he reminds him of his dad I thought it was him I thought there was like a past of uh of
(37:51) what I got what's his name I just lost it again what's going on Jacob no Jacob I thought it was Jacob's past where he was like this dorky guy that like couldn't approach women and it was like that was what he was referencing like he like he reminded him of himself like he went through a breakup or something but I'm like he's kind of way too young for like that kind of life experience at least what it appeared but it's that point in the movie where he's talking about his his dad and how he's like he
(38:17) was too nice of a guy he was a nice guy and my mom like kind of like you know her mom was like kind of just too much for him and like that was when you're like okay that's what he was talking about he was talking about his dad so that was that was the payoff there I'd actually just to just realize that watching it this most recent time and I've seen this movie dozens of times so yeah that's cool to still find little tidbits like that it is I will say one thing that I didn't remember that it it's a tiny tiny
(38:44) scene but uh Cal and Jacob finally like reconcile at least a little bit and uh cow slaps Jacob and Hannah says oh this is gonna be fun and immediately I was like there's there's something in Hannah I don't it might just be Emma Stone being Emma Stone but I was like she's got a different side to her and I like it and I don't know what's going on right now yeah yeah it just kind of Embraces it like obviously that whole dynamic is gonna be weird and honestly could have could have gotten just a
(39:16) sequel like there's probably a story I just to see this family again you know what I mean come back together for a sequel I don't know that it would ever have happened it did it did well like the movie did well and I think it was one of those things that just kind of like over time it grew on people even more but initially the reviews were pretty good and now it's still right now on Rotten Tomatoes it's still it's still uh certified fresh like it's obviously it's a really good film
(39:41) I don't know that something ever gets Revisited especially 10 years down the road like yeah to follow up like I I'm just thinking like most rom-coms would have but this one was a little more nuanced you know what I mean like it's it did a good job of of telling the story and getting out how did you like the end real quick before we get into the draft the end of the film where they're just talking and you kind of can see that they're gonna get like they're probably gonna get back together but you
(40:07) don't you don't see that payoff they don't kiss there's no there's no kiss payoff I like it was real it was it wasn't overly uh movified where they kiss and everything's great like that is how it would really happen it's like a slow like you see the spark light and you just see the Emperors burning you don't see the whole flame but you see and it's still kind of weird obviously knowing everything that's happened so you're like they're not their verse insane isn't going to be like let's make
(40:33) out and then fade to black like yeah that is a very tasteful way to end it I did watch the deleted scenes from this and a lot of it was like filler where like you really didn't need a lot of the stuff there was a bigger part of the scene where Jacobs is initially trying to approach Hannah and her friend at the time and he does that whole thing where he's like do you do you need me to do you have your keys you need me to drive and he does that whole thing yeah there's a little bit after that because
(41:01) that was one little jump scene where I thought like when he's doing that you want me to drive and she's already across the room the next like literally they cut and she's on the other side of the room and I was like all right that sounds a little weird there was more that they cut where they were like she was like they go into like does that really you do that does that work like you know they do that whole back and forth and then the friend comes on even harder and is like oh God it would work on me it says just do it I'll do it and
(41:24) she's like I'll blow your mind tonight like I was just like she's literally laying it on like crazy thick like I I I'm glad it's a deleted scene you didn't need to be there yeah it didn't but I I need to see that though I'll send you the link other deleted scenes because there's a couple ones especially the reference were were uh he's backing the U-Haul out of the driveway yeah and she's like do you need me to do it that's the whole thing there's a payoff
(41:47) to that in that in the deleted scenes where he hits something and you're like okay because when he's backing up you kind of expect it after that conversation you're like kind of expecting that little thing where it's like he's gonna mess this up he doesn't in the in the feature release but in the deleted scenes he does hit something uh which is funny but no I meant mention all this because at the very end of that deleted scene thing it's like 12 minutes of deleted scenes there's an alternate
(42:10) ending and I don't even know it existed but they fade to black on something else and I it actually they could have gone either way like obviously I love this film The just as it is and it and it works it could have it could I don't know how this would have struck you differently and again I'm gonna I'm gonna do a poor job of explaining it but you know how their house has that big open window like the back the doors that come open it's all open glass like it's it's one of those because you saw it at night as well
(42:37) whenever whenever cows just traipsing around the backyard doing his gardening and all that weird stuff yeah um but it's that wide and you see uh Cal and Emily in there and they start trying to do the uh Dirty Dancing Yeah they start trying to do the dancing thing and they're just like having fun right they're just like they're messing up and they try to do it a couple times and they're laughing and then it it just slowly while they're doing that it's slowly zooming out and then it fades to
(43:04) Black so they're just like having fun there's a little you know you can see that there is like there's a little life back in the relationship I thought that was like a cool like it could have worked either way and I'm okay with it I I like that in the idea that in that second ending you get to see old Cal with the new cow like you see what cows become by merging is to lives yeah so I do like that but I I also like how it ended originally too it's fine yeah it's a fine ending I think everybody's okay
(43:34) um I guess I guess that's it then uh uh right now I'm looking at Julianne Moore's photo now I have to I have to say that scene where where like we mentioned the backyard and he's in the backyard when his phone rings she goes and takes the phone and she's faking a scenario just to talk to him that that actually like I found his feelings I was like that was tough I was like damn like they they did that so well like just acting why like just you could tell in their voice that their sadness and they're like oh this is and
(44:00) he's happy but he's like trying to conflict you know what I mean like it's yeah he's the fact that he sees that it's weird he's just back there but but I get it it was it's his house you know he still misses his plants it was it was really well done that he didn't like out himself and she didn't like she just yeah went along with it she was like yeah I pulled it down oh yeah it started and then she didn't try for more and he didn't try for more like they just they were just happy that they were
(44:30) talking like that's it and I yeah that's what I'm saying that's why it was it was heavy and it like there was definitely a lot of gravity to that but that conversation happens and he's at home it's nothing yeah you know what I mean like it's it's still something to her but to him he's like okay I'll help you out like you know I'm sure he's still happy to talk to her about like the fact that he was there to see it that's cool that they did that like that was that was important that was good
(44:56) storytelling yeah uh okay now I have to find this button real quick so we can wait before you hit it okay one of the few Julianne Moore movies where she does not lose her children wow is that a thing that's a thing that happens oh she there's like three movies where she loses your kid Jesus I don't love that I wouldn't love this movie if that was a thing I don't want to see that my wife and I have a joke that she's like the worst on-screen parent of all time geez we'll talk to him I'm
(45:23) curious yeah I want to know a little more about it later about that but let's get into the draft you uh this is your Valentine's Day special so you get the first pick and like I said there's not like this isn't a sci-fi movie all right this isn't like we're not talking about like banging props these are real life props and it's really just I'm curious to see where you go first overall pick in this one so let's just get it people still say that banging perhaps yes I'm saying it's banging these pops
(45:48) these tops aren't banging all right let's go who will be selecting first if you this is your first time listening thank you for making it this far into an episode and uh and and secondly what we do now at this point in the draft we draft wait this point in the podcast we draft uh props that we can see in the film we watch the film we break it down we like to we like to review it and give our takes on everything that happened but we're also making note of iconic props that are in this film that uh that we
(46:19) would like to to have like in our possession you know I mean we have a collection this is it um like like I said there's nothing iconic like if you grab something from this film and put it on a shelf no one's walking into your house and saying oh that's that stupid love that's that's the thing but that's it's okay we still want to break it down in the right way that's the whole point of the podcast and we're going to get into it right now so you're gonna lead us off and I'm like
(46:43) I said I'm just curious where you go there's only we're only doing three picks in this one and we're not extending it we do it sometimes in other episodes we'll be like I got a long list not here not here so in this movie there were a handful of things that had a lot of screen time however there's one thing that was just the focal point of my favorite part of this entire movie and it's actually useful in real life so I'm gonna take the mini golf Putt-Putt windmill set oh made by Cal has a sign for love sign of
(47:18) love for Emily this is pre the neighbor guy ripping it up yes yes okay still functional still functional functional windmill in their Putt-Putt that's a good one at the end I was like oh yeah that's in here that's a good one like that was that was when I felt pretty good writing down and that's it's a pretty good first pick that's it because obviously first pick in the draft first date that they went on you know what I mean there's a little something there all right I see what you're doing
(47:42) uh now I have to do something and uh jeez I don't I don't love these I don't love them uh I'm already sighing I haven't even picked uh I think and I wish it got more screen time oh my goodness on pick one I think this is hard man these are tough picks like there's not there's not a lot of like iconic stuff but I think because it got had a few moments and I was like all right that's that's good that's fun I gotta take Cal's velcro wallet just because it's funny it was no that's a
(48:18) good one that's a good one that is funny it didn't get a direct shot but it was definitely the yeah in the bonus scenes there's a little there's a little more on that but it's not it's not a crazy lot but it's like they talk about a little bit more but I'm gonna take his velcro wallet because I just don't honestly like if you take anything off this list okay like I'm not upset like I'm just gonna get my guys I'm gonna draft them and that's fine if whatever's
(48:41) there that's it but I'm okay with a velcro wallet so for me number pick number three number two for me um this is something that like the velcro while it didn't get direct shots but was in more the second time you watched this movie it's in more of the movie than you realize um I want Jacob's ring so ring yes okay so when you first meet Jacob like he talks with his hands a lot in this movie and that's why it brought like he's very he uses his hands a lot to convey ideas to talk and you notice
(49:20) when he's talking to Hannah the first time he has a big ring on it later on he's talking to Cal and then you actually get to see it's like a silver ring with like a black stone in it and then at the end Emma Stone no okay sorry I'm sorry I didn't know that was a thing or not uh I think we were all thinking it when you said Stone that's it's everybody initial thought is Emma right am I right everybody right please write in uh to our address and send us a letter continue Emma Stone [Laughter]
(49:56) in the backyard scene he actually takes the ring off before he goes and punches David in the face like he takes it off it's respectful I think he hands it over to Hannah too and then he goes and I was like all right they they kind of actually he could have just punched him in the face but he actually took the time like I'm sure that wasn't written down that was Ryan Gosling being an actor and being like all right I'm gonna take my ring off and go and punch this man in the face and it's just a little like I love those
(50:26) little details that's like how you could tell an actor is good is like he makes those thoughts that his character would do like Jacob is not punching a man in the face with his jewelry on right yeah you don't want to you don't want to Sully the jewelry I mean that's expensive stuff that's part of the part of the shtick there so that all right that's a good pick that's a good pick I will say that was uh not on my list though you're but you were looking closer than I was though that's that's
(50:51) what that means that doesn't mean I didn't you know I didn't I didn't neglect it I just forgot I didn't even see it I should have paid more attention uh but because you picked something from Jacob now I feel obligated to as well that's fine um there's a lot and this is this is mainly because I I don't I have to look up his measurements obviously he's a little more Jack than I am but I think height wise we might be pretty similar uh I'm gonna take Jacob's gray suit uh
(51:20) no no the gray one I want them yeah is it when he first meets Cal at the club I thought it was like a gray like no I'm not saying you're wrong I'm saying at one point I think he wears a blue suit oh he does he has a blue blazer on and I'm like yeah it's pretty nice but no I want the I want I just love that like silver gray like it's just like it's and he's got the shoes like all that I want that like outfit like it's he had like seven outfits it's nice but I want that
(51:44) first one I gotta have a suit you know what I mean it's just and I could I don't know again like I said I'm at the Google get his measurements but he's definitely more muscular in this movie than I have ever been in my entire life but I don't care if it's a little baggy I'll wear it that's fine if I could have the costume Department make all of his suits and even like one of Steve Carell's suits down to my size and my frame that would be on point because they were there was a lot of good
(52:10) outfits in this movie they should have gave away to promote the film a shopping trip with Ryan Gosling you know what I mean where he does all that he slaps me in the face says your shoes suck throws them over you know what I mean like just all that the whole thing that would be great uh all right last pick this is it this is serious stuff I mean I feel like I already won the draft so at this I mean you can you can feel like that yeah I don't feel bad that you feel like that I don't know what that sentence means
(52:38) but yeah go I um I'm gonna take this also didn't have a lot of screen time I just think it would be a little do I even like it anymore oh you just fell out of love with it like that yeah it just happened you know after 25 years oh my goodness that's messed up um I don't think that's nice you know there's websites that just give you celebrities height and weight interesting no but that's a little I mean I know I know I figure height usually but like the fact that I'm getting like getting weight and then
(53:16) yeah I was gonna say you're getting chest size I'm getting legit chest 44 waist 34. waste 34 biceps 16. for Ryan Gosling he's a thirsty Gosling he's six foot tall 168 pounds it says I don't know how I feel about having a waste nearly the same as Ryan Gosling and almost weighing as much as him at a foot shorter than him I don't know yeah that feels pretty slight I need to go work it out I don't know man I'm two inches taller than him so now I thought for whatever reason the suit would fit and now it's
(53:53) not going to so okay go ahead I think hmm I think I'm gonna go with Hannah's banana cake what a beautiful rhyme uh by the way the cake wait you're going I just realized you picked a cake that's that's not that's not like somebody's bowel movement right now like you know what I mean like that's gone no no they didn't touch that she walked out on it so it's probably so you're saying it wasn't a real cake it was the graduation cake there's no way that was a real cake it was in one
(54:29) piece when they had a close-up on it okay so it's probably it was just like a a problem that's not real okay sure yeah you can have the cake that's too that's why I felt that's why I fell out you know what scrap the cake I can't good because I didn't write it yet and I was giving you an out I was like but pen was going slow and I was like yeah sure we're doing this all right so if we're if we're doing that then I'm taking Robbie's cell phone nice you know me I love a good cell
(54:56) phone I'm taking Robbie's cell phone then okay that's good he does a lot of texting on there a lot of harassing his babysitter a lot of harassing Robbie was one step away from having a restraining order put on him can you get a restraining order put on you at 13. can't you at any age I would definitely I mean I would put a restraining order on him yeah she was very patient with this guy she was incredibly patient like that was weirdly patient also at the very end of the movie even weirder yeah
(55:26) that is something you don't trust a kid his age with something like that yeah but also just everybody's a minor weird I mean okay that kind of stuff happened in my school so like mine okay yeah okay listen I guess that's you're right in high school you're like everyone's just kind of doing whatever it's weird it's a weird Coming of Age type things but uh but you don't trust that a 13 year old is not sharing that with all of his friends I don't know man he loves her yes he
(55:57) does but kids are kids yeah that's fair uh okay I'm gonna I should have said that before I made my last pick because I didn't want to give anybody the illusion I was going to pick those photos it's not happening that's weird uh so here's what I'm gonna do I already took his wallet I took Cal's wallet I got Jacob's gray suit a lot of clothing damn this is this one's selfish strictly selfish for me um and I think that I will benefit from it maybe more than Jacob did in this movie
(56:31) Jacob I got to tell you he he only he may have only used this thing twice five thousand dollars I'm taking his massage chair I almost grabbed that the disrespect to leave it in the garage probably didn't even like he doesn't even have a place for it I should have taken it solely for the purpose that Emma Stone sat in it I guess yeah but I mean I want to sit in it like I want a massage chair I want to do the podcast With An Extremely Loud massage chair I think it'd be great for the audio she hated it
(57:03) yeah I mean it have you ever sat like in a Brookstone and gone and like sat down in one of those things no they're like they can be very uh abusive like okay like there's no like I've never had a a actual like real life masseuse massage me but like I doubt they're that aggressive like there's the chair doesn't know your back isn't shaped this way so it's like you're getting impaled so you need to have a massage done they do very they're very wonderful I do maybe we should record our next episode
(57:36) face down on a massage table is the camera facing up facing up yeah yeah yeah so both of our faces it's just our faces with the little thing yeah and we're trying to talk and we're like you're so today I thought it would be really good yeah it'd be like that yeah I think we should do that that's a thing we'll do that let's mark it on the calendar for some time in the next 35 years we'll get that done I don't want to punch I don't want to do it I didn't want to say this year
(58:00) because that's like that's an expectation you know what I mean like that's 35 years I feel like we can get this done you know what I mean I you want to lower it or lower the years let's see what do you got I mean that's a mortgage you just literally like I'm gonna be dicks I'm going to be done paying off my house by the time we get this massage and then you'll finally have enough money for the massage what do you mean I'm proud you're right 35 years that's what I'm saying right
(58:28) that's fair all right I got to actually write this down what did I write what did I order Jacob's words what did I order what did I order I'm not even saying it like it was a prop from the film I'm pretending that I'd actually just ordered myself a massage chair yes uh anyway yeah uh what else did you have on on your list I had the broken Emily and Cal photo that uh that was the first thing I wrote down first thing I wrote down first thing that was it was between that and this chair for my last pick
(58:54) okay probably should have taken the photo for just significance to the movie I just wanted a massage chair dude the chair is fun the I love you Jessica Riley sign that uh that Robbie made when he did the whole Scarlet Letter thing which also is kind of funny because Emma Stone had a whole Scarlet Letter thing in Easy A and I just thought that that was was that a call back they did that on purpose I don't I think easy was that before I think that was before 2011 yeah yeah she was pretty young in that one
(59:25) yeah so I just thought that that was kind of cool that that was the whole thing but yeah he had that big sign that just says I love you uh Hannah's banana cake we already talked about that that just had a brief scene in the Mexican restaurant I also had the massage chair and then the flowers that Robbie stole that David gave his mom that he stole to give to Jessica with his crossed out David and wrote his name on it those things are wilted bro they're dead they're gone okay they're part of the
(59:56) earth I'm sorry and uh the envelope that Jessica was going to give Cal her photos and without the photos so the envelope yeah that was I was like if I was gonna do it it'd be the envelope but yeah I didn't I didn't put that but I I did have the picture frame Cals 407 New Balance I forgot to put I want to ask those look like those can't be the same ones from 40 year old version are they they look like it when he's wearing those you're like yes that sort of your old version and God that yellow shirt
(1:00:25) really did suck like I didn't I didn't need Jacob to tell me that thing sucked that that yellow shirt that he was wearing that Collard yellowed shirt was gross uh disgusting uh that's I didn't put that on my list though I probably should have put that shirt on my list but the last thing I last thing I put on because I was struggling and I really wanted to add one more thing just in case the elementary school Podium I guess I see I was thinking because it had this Cool Crest on it that's cool but that like you said not
(1:00:54) why are we doing that at an eighth grade graduation that was very strange but uh okay to wrap it up real quick I'll run down yours you picked in the first round the windmill Putt-Putt course pretty sweet you have Jacob's ring and you have Robbie's cell phone I have Cal's velcro wallet Jacob's gray suit and I guess you could say it's Jacob's massage chair but I'm gonna be honest I'm not storing this as like a movie Relic it's gonna go in my living room uh it's just gonna be my massage chair so I
(1:01:22) got me a massage chair that's where we're at okay uh and that's it I think that's it we're done here we can we can tap dance on out of here and uh and let these people get back to their their Valentine's Day festivities um so I just realized uh just a tidbit there there were very few the filmmakers offered an iPad on set to whoever came up with the title of the movie and this is it this is what they got Crazy Stupid Love uh which Steve Carell hates he hates the name of that movie it's not a great name
(1:01:55) honestly it does kind of feel like it flows for me just because it's been there for someone right but right that's the thing is like when you're coming up with the name you hate everything like even if you it gets really hard to find the thing when it's your job to come up with the name but when you release it everyone's like oh Crazy Stupid Love that's a movie and then no one questions it but yeah it I see where there would be some some struggle there to be like that's I don't
(1:02:19) I don't love that like what could it have been though like you know I mean like if you tasked to rename this movie Love Hurts that's a movie already I think uh Love Actually that's yeah it's a movie that's that's a movie yeah it actually love it's impossible actually love no I don't know it works like you said we'll just call it CSL Crazy Stupid Love No CSL how about see you guys later we're done here okay see you guys later see you bye no see like that feels a little abrupt but
(1:02:56) uh we should just how about this let's just talk you and I like the end of this film let's just talk we'll just be hanging out and then I'm just gonna slowly fade the music out or fade us down like we're gonna fade to boys yes so we're gonna still talk but the music is going the music's just gonna come up and like we're gonna fade down and like we're just having a good time and we're just laughing and oh my goodness dude whatever you're doing right now stop it you're but I love when things it's crazy
(1:03:22) it's funny because it's like wait but what are they saying when it ends I want to know what they're saying okay wait yeah it's already over it's gone oh wait love you oh I don't love you guys wait love you wait we had to come back and say love you the curtains like rose but then immediately come back [Music]