The Terminator (1984)

We go back further than we ever have with 1984's iconic sci-fi classic, 'The Terminator' starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Linda Hamilton, and Michael Biehn. We break it all down and draft the most iconic props from the film!
*Draft starts at 32:00*
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The Terminator (1984) - The Movie Propcast Ep. 26 - YouTube
(00:00) [Music] foreign [Music] episode of the movie propcast ER and Justin talk The Terminator what if that was the intro to podcast like what if we did that for the intro we had such a good setup to be like go back in time to try to save the world but first look at the future now now we get a little bit of the future before we get in the past right that's it we still we start off at skull city right out the gate you're like what's going on this is that's it how do you I don't know there's too many skulls it's a
(00:52) ridiculous amount of skulls at the beginning of this movie I mean at some point you can't bury everyone right there wouldn't be that many people unless you're unless okay unless unless that is like the machine equivalent of a dump what do they just take all the bodies and just put them I don't know that just seem to be a bit crazy to me now that look at the podcast just started I'm already mad at this film uh let's let's pause for a second I know you well I know you got something to say about this
(01:17) ever now we're gonna talk about it in a minute let's do the intro and then we'll get in well this this actually is the intro we're live this is it we're in the podcast I just I don't know why immediately I was like wait though that the skulls were ridiculous to me um so okay the skulls are ridiculous but when you watch Terminator 2 and you see a a glimpse of the future and just instant Annihilation oh yeah like if they're in Los Angeles if they're in New York City if they're in
(01:46) Dallas Texas Maybe okay but what I'm saying is though if if something happened and everybody died on the spot where they're at right now they're not in a pile okay somebody put somebody in a pile all right that's that's weird anyway welcome to the movie propcast I'm Justin this is Tyler and uh yes as you as you can already hear we're talking the Terminator 1984 which by the way uh this is this is officially the oldest film that we've we've done on the podcast thus far um for 1984. this
(02:17) is actually the first film I think in the 80s isn't it I don't know no I'm pretty sure we were hovering around the 90s like for like the whole first year of the podcast so like it's just we don't have an 89 in there it seems like a lot of what we did was in the 90s and then we had like trickled into the modern day for a little bit but right now we're in 1984.
(02:40) we're in the Terminator uh I nominated this film because obviously it's it's an absolute Banger classic but then I realized in my head when I'm watching this one and I don't again I'm not going to crap on it a lot but it's it might I don't want to crap on it a lot but it just when I'm watching this film hey I thought it would be shorter uh when I picked this film I was like it's a 1980s film I figured we'd get in here like an hour 20 in and out we'll be good to go this thing's almost two hours I
(03:08) was like okay they really uh they took their sweet time on this one it's a James Cameron special it's James Cameron right that's that's really good that's it that's it that's all you had to say yeah I guess what's the trans like I don't know if you adjust for inflation for James Cameron an hour 47 is three hours you know what I mean in in modern day so I guess this is right on par for him uh but another thing was I watched this film and I was like yeah Terminator man I love it and granted I just want to
(03:38) preface everything I'm saying I've only seen up through three I haven't seen a lot of the newer modern ones which is kind of I know a big like Terminator fans are listening to this right now are like all right you loser go watch it and I will I promise you I will go watch the rest of them because I want to uh especially starting the first one back over I'm like all right I'm ready to roll through these I want to check these out again I for whatever reason I I just feel like out of the three that
(04:01) I've seen this is the worst I thought for sure for some reason I thought this was like it's iconic I know it is Iconic because it started a franchise but it's it's the worst out of the three that I've seen so far like I'm in my head I'm like just cinematically and like the characters I don't know it built it's there's a little building going on like obviously they built some story there's only like four characters that are even worth naming in this film and we can get
(04:25) into that real quick if you want to get into who they are obviously Arnold Schwarzenegger is The Terminator in this film that's it he has no other name The Terminator uh Linda Linda Hamilton is Sarah Connor she's obviously plays a very big role in the in the franchise even to modern day right now she's still still cranking out these films uh Kyle Reese is played by Michael binding Michael bean bean that's it bean and then Traxler I don't know the lieutenant tracks like if you want you want to name them it's Paul it's okay
(04:55) he's he's the only other one that I was like maybe we'll throw him up on but uh not a huge cast and that just for some forever reason I'm comparing it to Terminator 2 which in my opinion is the best it's hard to compare okay that is even though they're in the same franchise and people hate the phrase like apples oranges Terminator 2 is one was I don't know like seven years over seven years like close to Ten Years Later yeah it was like 67 years which was shocking to me when I saw that he
(05:27) had plenty of money and it is arguably the greatest action movie of all time if not like top three so so like I want to give James Cameron props for this movie because he had Concepts in this movie I wasn't expecting to see like like the whole tackling time travel is just hard like it's just right do you want to do like Multiverse Theory or do you want to do everything is predestined do you want it like this whole movie is about changing the future when in fact when you get to the third movie spoiler alert
(06:04) it was never about changing the future everything was essentially already predetermined like sending John back is what or sending Kyle back is what made John and like that was just always supposed to happen and that just blew my mind yeah the infinite Loop yeah it's like there's no you can't get out of that it's over so I want to give James props and he left just enough ends open to make I don't think he had a seven movie franchise in mind when he started this there's no way but money so
(06:37) money yeah but money and he left enough open that they could just like worm their way in 20 years later and it still makes sense I don't remember the exact timelines but I feel like as crazy as like salvation and Genesis and I forgot the other names got they still kind of made sense and then they kind of poked holes in the time travel because they did some things with the continuum but like it it set up a lot and yes it was not an amazing movie you actually said something great to me uh before we finished you said this felt more like a
(07:14) slasher movie than an action movie yes and it very much felt like a Sci-Fi slasher like it felt like Jason Voorhees chasing down a bunches yeah it was this replaced the knife with a gun or that's it yeah or or just his fist just busting guts up yeah that was uh that was pretty intense there but two yeah and what's crazy to me a couple notes when I was walking when I'm watching the film I'm waiting for Arnold Schwarzenegger to say a real word and he doesn't physically he repeats like a robotic of somebody else
(07:43) like at one point it was over an hour into the film before we actually heard his voice and it really wasn't that that was it like to imagine getting paid to just walk around I guess that's that's more lines than than Jason did yes and all that stuff I forgot to write it down there's a thing about how few like how much he got paid for how few lines he said he got paid like an absurd amount of money like per word he said it was kind of right I mean well yeah he only said like four words but yeah but I mean
(08:09) when you look like Arnold that was like my third note down was Arnold is a beast like the minute he comes down he's a yeast first off time traveling always naked very strange you think by then they would let you bring your clothes but I guess that that's they just pick it up yeah you just bring it up I know I respect that but when I first was watching it I was like I I mean I've seen this movie years ago right I don't remember every detail so I was like wait a minute let me write this down time travel equals naked period
(08:39) like that's it that's what we're working with they do address it a little bit but it is kind of strange that that's that's that's the price you pay when you time travel you show up completely naked but at the beginning of the film and we and we mentioned it right before the podcast Bill freaking Paxton is just one of the grunts one of the dudes just sitting there with his with his boys I don't care who you are or how many friends you have hanging out if a naked Arnold Schwarzenegger in his crime walks
(09:07) up to you you walk the other I'm not engaging I'm not you don't even like no man I'm getting the hell out of there and he's and they're just like they're like we got the numbers man what are you doing you idiot like this is Mr Universe like he wasn't just a bodybuilder he was the bodybuilder at this time it was absurd I don't understand their demeanor uh it was very weird and I obviously it's a movie I don't think a lot of people would act like that they'd be
(09:33) like okay they were they were like 80s punks like they were like Bill Paxton had like a tire track on the side of his face right I know it's weird it just it just in my head I'm like no way I'm not touching that I'm not I'm not talking to this person I'm going the other way uh granted if they just turned if they turned tail and walked away he probably would have still killed him right right uh yeah probably yeah I'd like to thank so I want to say I love this simple paragraph intro like the movie starts
(10:02) and they just put words up and you just like I feel like that was such an 80s thing you just have to read like Star Wars did it and I'm sure Evan we just did it it's just words read this paragraph that's the beginning of the movie it's definitely easier than shooting and paying you know to do like a whole flashback scene although it would have been really nice to see the fall you know I mean that was that's way more than you can fit into a film they obviously wanted to get a point A to point from point A to point B as fast as
(10:29) possible and you're ruining the sequels if you do that true true the fact is the fact that they didn't do that definitely definitely allowed for some more flexibility in the future because yeah yeah this whole movie is about the fall so why show the fall if then you're just showing the end of the movie yeah I wasn't I wasn't alive in 1984 when this movie came out but I feel like I would have thoroughly enjoyed myself when this as far as just going to the movies and seeing this because hey it was pretty
(10:53) game changing at the time even no matter how bad the robot looked when it was moving yes at the time people are like oh my God this is amazing I think 70 of the movie was like Arnold Schwarzenegger as a diecast model and like plastic rather than actually being Arnold Schwarzenegger we'll get into some of this stuff I'm sure when we do the prop draft here in a little bit but uh did Arnold Schwarzenegger's face was looking rough at some of these uh some of these scenes and I get it it's special effects
(11:24) you got to do what you can do uh they probably would have liked some of that 2029 time travel uh technology to make the movie a little bit better back then but they did what they could and yeah it was fine so like you would have liked to be alive in 84 but you might be alive for 27 which is when apparently John comes from well I appreciate you saying might uh you know anything could happen uh you know it's a few years away you know I I'd ideally like to be alive uh my normal the normal lifespan of a human
(11:52) says I should be sure um so yeah I'm excited for that year when it pops up and we see all the memes on line uh everybody's saying this is the Year this is yeah there's a there's a timeline somewhere of like all Sci-Fi movies that deal with time travel right or just Sci-Fi movies in general and it like shows like you are here and there's like a timeline of like it's like Dune Terminator uh Total Recall blah blah blah it's like yeah those are fun like where you're supposed to be those are
(12:21) fun to look at and to see how far off uh the actual depictions were I think last year I could be wrong someone could correct me I think last year was the year George Jetson was supposed to be born based off his ID in the TV show wow okay yeah right yeah I know I I think I keep seeing is Back to the Future stuff uh it's like obviously that and that's changed people are like photoshopping it now I feel like it's already ran its course and it's passed from what the original film was uh and the second one
(12:48) but people just keep editing it they're like today's the day you know and they're like everyone's like wait no man like what are you what are you doing and it gets shared obviously it gets shared but uh and speaking of Back to the Future that's like one of my all-time favorite films and yes we will get to it on this podcast we're saving the bangers for some reason I don't know why but we really not that not the Terminator isn't a banger but the ones that are like really close to
(13:11) my heart which I'm gonna just say it's back to the future and Jurassic Park probably my two favorite movies of all time they're coming I'd like to say I'd like to say at least one in 2023 but I want it to be a big deal we're going to try to do something big for it but we'll see what we can do for that but right now we're on the Terminator so I don't I don't wanna I do have something to ask quick segue yeah it's 2023 we're in the time of Back to the Future in Terminator
(13:36) quote unquote supposedly now if you had to pick something that we don't have now that they had like would you take the hoverboard the sneakers time travel plasma right time travel I feel like time travel might be a little off the table let's let's I don't want to take time travel obviously we'll see if we could do it but well it's one thing you're upset that we don't have that they had I mean I would keep it simple like we where the frick is my hoverboard flying cars would be awesome but like
(14:03) that just seems ridiculous right now the way the weight of the vehicles they're just like it's gonna be insane it's gonna take some time just a hoverboard man lift a human move them around a little bit and I know that they have like you'll see videos of people like the hydro boards or something or and they have like massive fans that are just blowing them up they're trying I respect it but we're not there yet I want I need I just want a little skateboard size hoverboard and and now we're talking like yeah that I'm
(14:29) excited for that but again it's not it's not gonna it doesn't feel like it's coming anytime soon but when it does I'm in on it I might be old though I might be yeah I was gonna say that yeah uh who knows but who knows by then they might not be able to break bones you know what I mean they'll give like a supplement quickly or heal quickly yeah I don't know everyone get that that Wolverine blood that's what it was I was just thinking like they just like give you a shot and then it's just your bone should feel
(14:56) like yeah with Wolverine blood and you rapidly heal that's it not actual like not though not the animal wolverine fictional yes Marvel I'm just thinking you're trying to make everyone mutants in the future bro okay listen to be fair I'm technically a mutant all right I knew that but anyway no no for listen apparently red hair is a mutation okay not that I have like full-blown red hair if you guys really can't see it on the podcast if you're watching on our YouTube channel movie propcast shout out
(15:28) okay that's with the sub you can see the full video come check out my hair uh in the right light it's a little red all right that's all I'm saying all right I'm not I'm not ashamed but yeah that makes me a mutant so I'm just saying if anybody's gonna get some superpowers randomly like spontaneously like a sun flare is going to hit and you know I don't know I might just get powers I'm getting us back on track yeah you might bring it back in I'm excited about these Powers we're talking
(15:57) about time travel I gotta say the Rhys and Arnold had two completely different paths like Arnold came down gracefully on one knee just murdered three guys and then Rhys Falls five feet out of the sky lands on his hip he has some mugging old man he immediately gets chased by the cops so Arnold could admit murder no one knows research is minding his business and is immediately in a cop chase yeah and I feel very bad for him yeah first off I I might I don't know I don't want to say it's the outfits that they chose
(16:32) right off the gate but he was walking around in just a really long trench coat which is just I'm instantly suspicious yeah uh Arnold Schwarzenegger takes some some of those goons jackets and stuff and that's that's cool but like I feel like they're like oh that dudes he's hip to The Jive you know what I mean which is what they said in the 80s no that was the lingo no no it wasn't uh I I did I did like the and this is again I don't want to get in anything too crazy but I don't want to take away from the props
(16:59) and stuff but the the use of the phone book in this film was pretty Exquisite like everybody was just which also kind of just makes it feel a little weird right like everybody's address at any time you could just get on a book that was at everybody's doorstep one thing that one thing that they did in this movie that wouldn't happen now you send a robot back in time robots now have GPS the robot would have memory like why did the robot have to go and look up Sarah Connor in a freaking Yellow Pages to be
(17:30) fair I feel like we're being a little insensitive uh to the Terminator uh I just want to say yeah he's a cyborg I'm sorry for my friend here calling you a robot I think I already did it like four times too but yes uh cyborg let's be respectful um cybernetic organism yeah let's come on it's they're a higher class citizen I just don't want to offend anybody you know what I mean like in the future when they go back and they're watching the movie propcast in the year you know
(17:53) 28-42 and they're like these [ __ ] were calling us robots let's go back and just dust them bro that's I don't know cyborg I will call them a cyborg yes so yeah why did the cyborg who should have already been programmed to know where Sarah was or at least what she looks like for God's sakes he's opening every Sarah Connor door and just blasting I'm like immediately yes all right don't ask you didn't even ask at Sarah Connor's place he was just like I'll I'm gonna toss the guy around and I'm just
(18:30) all over the place not even he could have made it quick he could have gone bang dead he's like I'm gonna throw him around like a little Ragdoll just for I don't know what that was all about and then he goes bang bang not even bang bang he did like he unloaded an entire clip in these bodies just in case he was being very very thorough uh it seemed a bit excessive to me I Gotta Give Matt some props he actually lifted Arnold off the ground like later on in these movies they make these Terminators like unlike
(18:57) phasable like you punch him in nothing like that this Matt cut some hits in on Arnold yeah I feel like they tried to in the in the future movies they definitely tried to like retconn some of that they're like oh no wait these dudes are heavy and like I mean they're heavy and they're like tanks like wait what are we doing here anybody can just knock him over like I get a vehicle doing it sure that makes sense but yeah some of the other stuff was like wait shouldn't be able to topple over like that until you
(19:22) see him walk at the end with no flesh yes and you're like wait a minute like a pebble could make this guy follower yeah but that's not that's not by Design obviously they didn't want him to look like that but he looked very unstable that's all I'm saying all right it was it was a scary time it actually made it horrifying like like it wasn't supposed to be I I guess obviously it was supposed to be pretty terrifying but if he was smooth walking like a like a normal person as a robot it wouldn't be nearly
(19:50) as scary as that like weird janky walk that way yeah I was like dude that's like some Exorcist stuff like I was gonna say like jerky movements for some reason just make it more unnatural and scary right like the girl from like the ring just like yes just oh man folding up I don't I don't want to see that that's weird I don't creeping me out but yeah that was that was very strange um one thing I wanted to get into Sarah Connor's voicemail fantastic she's I didn't you know what I
(20:17) mean right at the gate you realize what she what kind of person she is she's the type of person that fakes an answer on her voicemail you know what I mean yeah like that's crazy that's a type that's a type of person where it's like hello hello no I'm just blessing with you yeah you got my voicemail I hated that so much I hated that I thought that that was invented in like the 2000s I had no idea in the 80s people were doing that for voicemails because that voicemails were an important thing back then right
(20:47) right yeah that's around you had to have money to have a answering machine and then like to kind of be screwing with people I I didn't know that they were doing that in the 80s yeah that was she was ahead of her time for sure um like and that it goes to show I mean that's why she was such a progressive human being and then led a revolution um and that was just the that was the the Gateway I don't know I'm sorry I looking at her path right now she was like a waitress at a diner how do we get
(21:14) there I I you know what I mean it's hard to see I wasn't gonna bring it up because we I didn't know we were gonna talk about our occupation a kid put ice cream in her pocket and and a customer said I should be giving you the tip kid what that's what you do to waiters back in the day brother they're trash they're second-class humans he uh like that that I got so upset in the opening of this movie like I just I got irrationally upset and I was fine if some of these civilians died yes which actually a surprising
(21:50) surprisingly few amount of just stray people die you know what I mean I don't know I mean I guess the the people that he was he was Finding and just blasting right away because he thought they were Sarah Connor obviously that's that's that's unfortunate but there really wasn't a lot of like extra like I don't know they're probably just for casting reasons and and money they don't really have a big you know a bunch of randos dying uh but again on that note one more time before we get out of
(22:20) here not out of here but ought to offer this subject he should be able to identify you said he should have GPS but he should be able to identify and you see at the end of the film they finally cut to like his View and he's got all this like he's got like a freaking heads up display and he's like got all this stuff and he's like Computing things and you're like where where was that when you were in the beginning of the film right bam Sarah Connor because I'm confused why he didn't know who it was
(22:45) but when he when When Sarah's at the club calling people trying to be like I call the police like I'm at the club I'm being chased by somebody he walks into the club looks around a little bit right he's not blasting anyone in this club like you think he'd just be going to town on all those people because he's like I can't I don't know who she is based on what you've seen already he should just be laying waste to that whole club and then all of a sudden he Parts the sea and walks right up to this random
(23:11) woman how does he know that's her yes I don't know I I just I don't know he either knows he I don't know something says that's the Sarah Connor but if that's the case why didn't it say the other ones weren't yeah something uh about the club scene I liked so we obviously know everything not everything a lot about Terminator going into this but back again watching this as someone from 84 for the first time you don't know Reese is there to save uh Sarah so in the opening of this
(23:44) movie you see two men brought from the future one goes on a murder spree both are looking for Sarah and I like that you think that two separate people are on a mission to kill Sarah throughout the first like 40 minutes of this movie until Reese finally unloads his freaking shotgun into the Terminator I like you could think that he's going into that club to kill Sarah and that was like a good bit of suspense that they put into them he was a little creepy yeah he was a little creepy but by contrast right out the gate Terminators just laying
(24:17) waist right he's just killing people so you're like okay he's definitely bad maybe the other guy I don't know I don't know what the trailer gave away it's always weird with these older movies to know exactly what trailers people were seeing it's not like they had YouTube to like there wasn't YouTubers going down and be like breaking down every frame of the Terminator you know what I mean like to just be like what do you see here like because they probably would be able to get a lot of the film from that but
(24:37) what's cool about that is you really only saw it on TV or at the movie theaters maybe not even on TV at that point like I don't know how many how many trailers I mean obviously I wasn't watching TV in 1984 but primarily you were seeing movie trailers at the movies so you probably just saw that and there was no way to play it back so probably all the movie going experiences back in the day and we talked about it on our last podcast trailer's just giving away too much I would imagine back in the day you were
(25:03) pretty you were coming into a movie and you knew a little bit about it but you could be in that scenario where both dropped and you're like who knows what's going to happen with either of these weirdos so they think yeah that's cool if I could go back in time and just experience movies well because that I guess like not I can't I can't go back in time and do that because I already know what happened in them but you know what I mean all the time yeah yeah wipe my entire mind and throw me in 19 just just
(25:26) no juice of movies like you like you could just uh like in Harry Potter just take the memory out put it aside go to 84 I'm like I'm gonna watch Terminator for the first time yeah like watching Terminator 2 for the very first time watching what movie had like a lot of movies man yeah yeah there's a lot of movies there's too many like Inception freaking there's so many movies I wish I could watch for the first time again yeah I'm trying to think like how would that feel though like I mean obviously
(25:56) you watch it for the first time and you're like oh that's awesome and so you still do have that memory but like if you take that out and go back I'm getting a little too deep now I'm just thinking about how to pull memories out of my head so we're gonna have to we might have to go into a Tom Cruise movie no speaking of Too Deep um Rhys finally saves uh Sarah gets her in the car and one thing about time travel is you don't like ruin the Continuum and also if you are going to start telling people you do it in
(26:23) digestible chunks so you don't seem crazy Reese gives his entire life story and Sarah's entire life story in the matter of 45 seconds so much so that I had to pause it to like be like wait what what and he just keeps going he's like yeah I'm from the future um your son is my captain your son's name is John um you you were around you leader resistant uh that Terminator is named a blank it it could do blank it and like like just giving her all this technical stuff she doesn't need well she also doesn't need the D but he
(27:02) gave that up all right this guy wasted no time all right he wasted a little bit of time I did all right listen to be fair she she might have came onto him a little bit but also that's that is also I don't know if that's just like a 1980s movie thing but it's like not even 1980s even up till today it's our wait is are your two main characters a male and a female they got a bang you know what I mean like that's that's the mindset in this film and uh but obviously it like you said it makes
(27:30) sense in the story when you watch the other ones it obviously is a whole thing and it's like there's there is a loop that that makes sense but again watching it objectively you're like what this dude just came back from the future works for her son and they're doing it like you know what I mean like these slots are like wait what what is happening I had a a joke I had like a a one a tagline for the movie and I just have man travel suit time to sleep with his boss's mom dang that's funny that's funny it makes
(28:01) a lot of sense actually no that's hilarious I I just don't understand that logic but it is really weird uh and I don't know I'm just trying to I'm boggled by the complexity of I I'm a big fan of time travel like I love time travels obviously Back to the Future like I said it's one of my favorite movies anything with time travel you and I both are a sucker for so again you show me a flash of the future and then show me some dude time traveling I'm all in it's just that agenda just seemed very
(28:28) strange to me and uh I I when you I don't know what it is at the moment where you see they Flash Forward again and he's got the little Polaroid picture yeah of her and you're like what the f what is happening like I don't know yeah I don't know I don't know how they tied that together or what they were thinking in the writing room but like at the time if this was a standalone film which which I like I said it was fascinating how long it took for them to make another sequel like was that Our intention to make a
(28:58) sequel or time went by and they're like that thing did well let's expand on it you don't that's they didn't have a plan I feel like they based on how James Cameron's brain works he he probably started thinking of the sequel before this movie even came out he was just waiting to make it right because he is a perfectionist about everything he does that's fair so I feel like it was probably already in the works not to the degree it got but I think it was definitely in the works okay all right I still think it's weird
(29:32) though like oh 100 it's weird for people watching it it's weird for people who watched it and and again you went years without a sequel and probably any any hint of a sequel yeah to be like this is what we got it's weird well we're in a different time because now when a movie comes out we're so conditioned for sequels that we sit around and we think that could become something whereas back then a movie happened and then you were that was it you enjoyed it and then you're pleasantly surprised when a
(30:00) sequel does come out right so it's a very different time because now we're so conditional we're like oh that's probably going to become something is our immediate knee-jerk reaction is is something else coming now where does anybody even make a movie without the intention of it being a trillion yes like or a franchise or a universe or something like I feel like that's everything is everything's motivated by attaching everything thanks a lot MCU but everything's got to be attached or
(30:26) everything has to have a follow-up right but now it's like two in a obsessive Point like it's it's ridiculous but um but yeah I mean it's it is I I just try to imagine like the like when you find out like right now we just found out I am Legend's getting a sequel yes that's pretty exciting we had no idea I mean obviously the way the first movie technically ended the first time that we had no attention but they're gonna come back with that one uh by the way we did I Am Legend uh a few
(30:52) episodes back you can check that back if you scroll down on the feed after this episode you can watch or and or listen um but yeah they're gonna make a sequel to that I think that's when that comes out in the year 2027 probably I don't know how I feel like it's going to take a while it doesn't feel like it's gonna take a while right like they just I'm just saying we might have to be sending someone back in time by 2027.
(31:17) it's one of the machines will rise I know that's what I'm saying that's I've got to get this thing done quick but I don't know it doesn't feel like it's going to be happening quick they just now are laying the groundwork and trying to justify it with the alternate ending again we're getting off track we're back to the Terminator uh let's I I we're gonna have a big draft I feel like there's a lot of props obviously it's a sci-fi film not I I say there's a lot of props for a
(31:38) sci-fi film there were there were quite a few I don't know there were quite a few on-screen things but in my head now sci-fi film it's like there should be 50 things there really wasn't a lot of inventive futuristic technology because they didn't get to bring any of it back like with them when they time traveled so there really wasn't a lot of futuristic stuff other than like a few flash forwards um actually that's that's a good question was this movie based in 1984 or was it based in 2012 like
(32:11) were we getting flashbacks or Flash forwards 84. wait is it though yes but it started in the future uh hit the button all right let's get in the draft I don't know man this movie might be no okay it's a perspective obviously you just have to figure that out but uh I nominated this film we're gonna do the prompt draft right now uh I'm gonna obviously get the first pick we're gonna go back and forth I think we're gonna do four a piece I feel like that's very manageable um based on the amount of stuff in this
(32:47) and maybe we double dip into some certain things there like you said there are a few variations of of certain things that might be draftable but but we'll see we'll see how this goes I I don't think my choice is very difficult uh right out the gate I feel like it'd be pretty stupid not to pick the full body Terminator skinless I want the I want I want boneless skinless Terminator uh full body suit the creepy one that they had to like move and and do like the stop action animation just to make him look like he was moving
(33:21) now there's other pieces of them but I want that full body though you know what I mean like on display you walk in that that's like guaranteed you're gonna know what that is like nobody's not gonna know what that is even if you haven't seen Terminator you know that freaking cyborg I was gonna say robot I almost said Robot again I apologize I'm waiting for somebody to just pop up in my you know like a naked body just falls down in my my room here and and just blast me but that sounds weird uh I'm gonna take my
(33:49) I'm gonna take the Terminator full body robe cyborg my goodness you tripped across the finish line [Laughter] Terminator full body you know that was it was a very obvious first pick so I'm not even upset about it um second pick is a lot more wide open but we spoke about how the Terminators are straight up doing damage the whole movie and he did that very specifically I want to take the 45 long slide with laser sight that he just was a blasting with this entire damn it's it's actually I believe it's right behind me over here
(34:36) it's in all the posters it's literally in all the media yes that's 100 I was going to be very sad to lose it but it's the price you pay for taking the main you know what I mean like it's the main thing I can't not take the Terminator I wanted that gun so freaking bad that it was like so good one thing that doesn't make any sense real quick about this movie is you he ditches it at some point yes he does ditch it I'm like it's the end scene he finally gets like the he's in the full Terminator like you see
(35:05) him in the photo yeah he doesn't have that gun with that outfit no in the movie but in the promo material they're like you put the gun you put that outfit on you put the glass you know what I mean like it's really weird I don't know why they wouldn't just that should have been his signature gun for the entire film because it just like was so stupid and the laser the laser beam is the closest thing you got to Future right like to make it feel like it was a futuristic gun even though it really wasn't he
(35:30) bought it from the freaking pawn shop um yeah that guy was a guy uh I I was gonna say what's a Dick Miller he's in so many things and I swear to God he's a pawn shop guy in like four other movies too like he's like the go-to guy for like an arms dealer at a pawn shop like I don't know who I don't know why but um he got did Dirty in this film yes like he literally hooks this guy up with all these guns that should not have been legal uh like he just gets a freaking Uzi and like all these like I don't know
(35:58) absurd amount of guns and he's like how will you be paying blammo it's over done dude don't ask for money that's all don't ask for yeah I guess you shouldn't ask for a compensation for the stack of guns you just gave this creepy looking guy but fair I guess that's fair uh no it's a great pick and I'm mad at you um so you're welcome yeah that's uh okay let me cross this stuff off because I'm gonna I'm gonna go back and be very upset about it try to try to ask
(36:25) for it again yeah I will I and you know what maybe I I could write it down anyway but um yeah so I'm not this is where the where are the not ranking it comes into play what I did is I just had like 18 things on a piece of paper and I just started a bunch of stuff that I was like I'm gonna come back to this there were things in the beginning that I was like genuinely interested in but I don't think I can take I don't think I can take those uh I think I'm just gonna go right now because no no I did the psy already but
(36:59) I'm just saying I'm not mad what I'm gonna take right now I'm not I'm not to the point where I'm upset with what I'm taking I'm just now to the point where I know I'm gonna not I'm gonna lose things I like which sucks because there is a decent amount of stuff I'm gonna take his leather jacket that's a good pick I'm gonna take this leather jacket because what's crazy to me is because is he doesn't get into it as fast as I remember he does yeah like
(37:22) this transformation doesn't come to like the last 30 minutes of the movie but like there arguably is a more important jacket and it might be the first one and I don't wanna and I'm not gonna say anything about it because now I'm not going to go double dipping on jackets so I'll just say that out loud uh but I want the leather one because like you said it's right behind you in the video it's right it's in all the promo materials you got the gun I want the leather jacket I just feel like the
(37:48) Terminator is is in a leather jacket that's a shock that's good I'm taking it leave me alone you're gonna have to talk me talk to me help me out with my next pick I know exactly what I want um I've seen pictures of it so I know that it's like a prop thing and I don't know your thoughts on it but um we discussed it earlier that Arnold spent some of his time not actually Arnold but as like a animatronic of of Arnold Schwarzenegger I want the one with his cybernetic eye with the red
(38:21) eye where he was in I don't know there's a couple of scenes where it happens but he's in the truck at one scene yeah and he he looks just as good as a Jurassic Park dinosaur my disbelief about a scaly dinosaur but something about that human flesh that just looked dead yeah was a little unsettling but yes it's 100 a real thing uh I I it's on my list it's very creepy I couldn't imagine owning it like walking into a room and just flicking the light on and being like oh sh oh God what is that doing yes
(38:55) it looks unsettling but the one with just the red eye showing when he goes and cuts his eye open and you can see it that's just that was so cool that was I enjoyed that a lot yeah and all the all the cutting into yourself I'm not I'm not a fan of that it's disgusting uh they did an okay job obviously you know it's not real right but again it's suspending your belief in 1984.
(39:19) pretty good right that's pretty good we've definitely come a long way to make everything look a little more realistic and it's actually kind of gross like no matter even to this day like I know it's fake I know it's not real I don't want to watch somebody cut into themselves like that's disgusting every time like every time somebody gets shot in a movie we gotta get this out no you don't go to the next scene I I don't want to just I just put a bandage over it and move on
(39:44) I don't want to see it um but they love doing that uh okay so let me cross off the Terminator exposed face animatronic uh that mirror scene was gross though like it's just like they got real close up and you're like they shouldn't have got that close I shouldn't have got that close to it um so I got the leather jacket am I just gonna go all in on no I'm not that'd be stupid all right so my third pick I want something from the future there wasn't a whole lot in the future right there were a couple bangers
(40:18) there's a couple of things that come to mind so I'm interested there's really yeah they're right there's three things two of which I think are vehicles uh I think I'm gonna take and I think they wound up saying well I think they're both considered one of these things they call them HKS I don't know if it was like what do they say they're Hunter Killers or something human killers I don't know what it was but they call them HKS at the end I want the tank one the one that's the first one they blow
(40:43) up yes first thing they're doing the one that's rolling over the skulls again an unrealistic just a ridiculous amount of skulls I just don't get it uh it definitely set the mood though you're like oh [ __ ] that's a lot of death but how I'm just trying to again I I maybe I'm thinking way too much I'm overthinking it I'm just trying to think of like the logistics of how to get that many human bodies in a pile so like they literally had to be scooping them uh anyway I'm taking the tank machine not
(41:08) the flying one no but I know that they're both they're they're literally they're both actual like pieces like they're probably they're probably like they're like the yeah they're very small and they just they scaled it they made a little like fog you know what I mean like it's all scaled obviously you had to do that in the 1980s and you can look it up I'm sure 100 I it's it probably has already sold three times over since the movies come out but um yeah I want the tank I think that's a
(41:31) cooler looking thing the plane is pretty sweet but it doesn't really do as much you know there's not a lot it's not as much interaction as there was with the tank so I'm taking the tank that was a good pick I looked at it and I forgot how this movie started I because in Terminator 2 all of the uh robots like or cyborgs I'm sorry well without the skin they're technically just robots but anyway all of the uh all of these cyborg frames like the one that you got first pick that should straight up attacking
(42:00) people in Terminator too like they just have armies of the the metal machines so I thought that's how this movie started but it didn't they showed the HK and I was like what what is this tank yeah and then so I wrote that down it was a good pick thank you thank you for giving me my flowers man I appreciate that I'm gonna sleep good tonight yeah I know you don't do that often man it feels good it feels good even if you're lying that it feels good uh all right so you have two more picks uh you're you're picking up
(42:27) your third one right now so what do you got so I know how you feel about pieces of paper but um this one very clearly Delaney like it has to be from this movie and that would be Sarah Connor's University ID oh the University ID so that might not be paper though right that's probably like it could be laminated yeah elimination I feel like a laminated something laminated is up it's automatically upgraded so yeah so it's got It's got her face on it you you have Linda Hamilton who I didn't um say my
(43:03) note earlier anyone who knows the franchise Linda Hamilton from movie two on is just GI Jane on steroids it was really cool to see her like as a as a a delicate female like seeing her transformation because in this movie she couldn't do anything she was scared she didn't she was very flustered she was vulnerable and you get none of that like from the get-go in movie two she's putting people in choke holds and she's taking no prison she just became a badass and what's crazy there was one part at the end where she says a line
(43:39) and I'm like where did she even get that bro like where did that come from and it's when they're like he's he's got like he's hurt right obviously he's and he's trying to figure it out Kyle I don't know why I'm not saying Kyle Kyle's hurt and she tries to pick him up and he's like she's like get up Soldier we gotta click obviously turns into like like a like a military person I'm like you're a barista like what I don't even know it just came out of nowhere and I was
(44:03) like all right I see what you're doing I know that's what you're becoming but why where did where at any point in the film did you pick that line up I don't know yeah try to be uh I mean she she's pepping him up yeah it worked I mean I guess he was talking to him like he probably is used to be talking talked to yes that's fair yeah I'm just again I'm just hung up on like the fact that she could be his grandmother um but no they just yeah that's how that works yeah it's almost like yeah it's
(44:34) weird but yeah okay but they did it though so it's okay but she she could be but she isn't because they're both the same age true like like that that's like are you gonna really think about time travel where it's like you were born 20 years after me it doesn't matter that we're both 20 like yeah yeah I mean that's weird because it goes two ways right so like if you watch Umbrella Academy you were watching Umbrella Academy on Netflix season one season one did the young kid is like 300 years older like
(45:08) he's like ridiculous maybe even more than that he's like absurd yeah but that but he's like he's a kid though but he's just has the that's weird obviously that's amazing he can't he can't age though right that's that's a different thing can he not age or just like did he not I thought he just went back in time to it to that body oh maybe maybe I don't know that's a weird situation I guess because because Kyle hasn't lived 300 years worth of time he's only like
(45:37) 20 or 30. true he just went back in time whereas like maturity wise if I in my 30 year old body now lived 10 decades and then came back and tried to date a 30 year old I might be that's actually no yeah like let's let's go back if I was 18 years old and then lived like 10 decades worth of lives and then tried to date another 18 year old I'd be like I can't do this yeah like at 30 you're both at a good maturity age okay I get what you're saying no it makes sense I'm just I I still keep getting hung up on that but
(46:10) it's it is what it is again I'm think I'm looking at this movie as an isolated film obviously I know that there's more that happens again explain some stuff but it's like that's weird it's a little weird so you finish this and I'll finish Men In Black okay yeah okay I've significantly more work to do you have one film to watch yes we did Men in Black obviously we watched the first film you said you'd seen the second one you didn't see this you haven't seen Men In Black too no
(46:35) three and then International oh no no don't watch International guys if anybody's listening right now they know exactly what I'm saying listen don't watch Men In Black International that's not a Men In Black movie okay that's that's in the title shouldn't be okay fine you can watch that but I it's so bad trust me you're gonna see some of these Terminators and have the same feeling oh that's upsetting but at least there'll be some action this one that that International Film was just
(47:04) like I mean there was I guess forced action but it was it didn't feel anything like just watch Men In Black three all right I feel like it's underrated you should check it out if you haven't seen men in black3 you definitely gotta watch it but okay all right last picks in the Terminator draft I have one you have one I feel good about this one uh this was this was and I don't I guess I don't know which way I want this because I know I guess realistically it wasn't actually a part of what I really would like to have so I
(47:34) probably have to take it again it's a piece of paper when you said piece of paper I thought you were going a different direction I thought you were taking the phone book or IP or The Ripped phone book page that's that's what I'm debating about I don't think that was actually I don't think they printed a full phone book because if you look at it they're just from they're only ever seeing the phone book from the back and then when they do the rip it's it's a close-up or when
(47:59) they're looking at the page it's a close-up so they never actually like made a phone book with the Sarah Connor in it so I need the page with Sarah Connor then I guess that's what I got to say Doyle the thing is I don't even think they made that for the movie that might have just been a real ass phone book like and they're just like they decided to name your character they just straight up that was that was actually just a 1984 phone book and they're just like all right Sarah Connor got it
(48:24) ripped it out like they're like this and whoever James Cameron's writing it he's just looking through the phone book he's like what's a good just a lead lead female character like that Sarah Connor's got a few yeah he didn't have to make anything like that was just a real phone book oh my gosh yeah I'm taking the ripped phone book page because again when when the Terminator drops down that's what he finds he gets that he's like Sarah Connor kudos to him for knowing how to use a phone book that far
(48:53) in the future because he would not you know I mean you could find somebody who's been alive for 30 years right now and has no idea how to how to operate a phone book I mean it's pretty I guess it's pretty self-explanatory it's if you know the alphabet but still though just to have them the mindset to go back and be like I'm gonna check the phone book uh and it just kind of it did drive the plot for like the whole like first hour of the film where he was just going down the list and it was the alphabet yeah he
(49:20) was The Alphabet Killer which again like I said it was like a slasher like it just felt like a fun little movie that way but uh but then it then it gets really there's a lot more layers to it which again set up all the sequels so give me the phone book page I you lit up a little bit when I said I'm taking a piece of paper and then I said the phone book page and then you you you're you face change a little bit so I know what you were thinking I was going I knew you were going the phone book page but then
(49:44) I thought about it and I was like that was probably just legitimately a phone book like this yeah like I I almost said I could run dancers and get you one but then I realized I haven't had a phone book in my house for 20 plus years but I used to oh you know now yeah so I'm saying now that I'm thinking it's like he probably even if he didn't look at a phone book first to Name the character you could just name anybody Michael Michael Smith and there'd be 30.
(50:12) you know what I mean like and you know for a fact you could just get a phone book from literally anywhere and it would find it so yeah I guess you're right that makes sense but the page though I want it that's it that's the end it's a wrap I mean there's some other cooler stuff and we'll get into it when you're done but I'm curious to see what your last pick is so we can go over some of these um see I I there's something I want from this movie but I know if we go into the second movie I'm gonna want it more from
(50:38) there but in case we don't I'm taking the terminator's hand when he's reaching through at the end and yeah that's good that's good that works it plays a bigger role in part two but I want that now that's good you got a piece of the body right that's all that matters you got a piece and uh and that and that works like I said there was different couple different variations of the Terminator uh actual machine that you could have gotten um and there was but there was another one too and now
(51:12) that we might be thinking about it are you thinking about the head I'm thinking about the whole upper torso he's dragging himself at one point where it's he's got no bottom half oh [ __ ] I forgot yeah I mean if you want to take your hand back I've never written it down yet but I'm just saying there's a there's a scene where he's cutting he is right it's like the three seconds before that right because then he goes under the under the squisher machine which is a very scientific way
(51:36) to call whatever that is the Press uh I don't know what that is the old squishy machine the squishy the squishy as you can tell I'm a very hard-working man I use these hands uh on a day-to-day a daily basis uh I'm I'm a worker working man's Working Man Blue Collar that's it blue collar uh guys I work from home with my computer uh I don't I don't go out and use my hands if uh if you would allow me I would like that upper torso yeah take it man take it you deserve it I'm a nice guy remember this yeah
(52:08) remember this I will it does look infinitely cooler than the hand uh yes which you get it the hand is Iconic because Sarah shouldn't let it get that far she should not have been touched by that because honestly if if all he has to do is grab her throat and just done your head's popped off like yeah it succeeded nice yeah but I don't understand that was a bit much but obviously drama it's a movie gotta do what you got to do uh but yeah the upper torso crawling across the floor just as creepy as the walk you
(52:37) know what I mean like it's just weird like it's just it's just an odd design I guess one of the designs I I was really weird about about is why we were making defeat like that yeah like the feet were like who puts balls on the on the feet like I don't know is that is that weird like if you're making a robot would you make it like that no I don't know three points of contact I don't know it was I I didn't understand they fix it they fixed that later on though yeah I know yeah you want more stability
(53:09) like if I'm making a cyborg or a robot they they had to make it look like a human I mean they just started making them out of liquid so I guess it doesn't matter right that's hair uh okay so we've we've gotten the the draft is completed I guess I now can go around this list real quick can we say how lucky they are that after only one night together Sarah got pregnant what like they only had one night together and Sarah got pregnant like oh yeah dude congrats so people spend like months years trying
(53:43) my guy had one shot to shoot that was it okay okay yeah he's shooting 100 uh no you're right that is even when you like are you know what I mean you're trying like right out the gate you could be extremely fertile and it still ain't gonna work but yeah you're right it just happens to be very convenient the one I say I guess I don't know if they weren't using protection back in the day you know what I'm saying so like anything is possible that was a wild accusation statistics have shown that there was
(54:19) some rampant stuff going around I don't know they don't think protection was really the Vibe back then I'm sure people were still doing it all right come on obviously people were being safe but [Laughter] yes uh to an extent all right so real quick I got the full body cyborg uh Terminator you have the laser sight pistol which I'm actually very upset like that is that's that's like top five biggest like hurtful picks ever right now I really wanted that gun it just looked it's a ridiculously big pistol like that thing
(54:55) shot mortars like I don't know it was so big uh okay I got the Terminator just leather jacket you have the animatronic Arnold Schwarzenegger ripped face which again is one of the most unsettling things to look at uh I mean they did they did their best but it was weird uh I took the future tank HK is it where I guess we're calling it it's one of two HKS in this movie uh Sarah Connors University ID you selected and then I took Sarah Connor's phone book page and then you took the terminator's upper
(55:28) torso uh all right just real quick couple things we can run down uh the first thing I wrote down on my list at all Kyle's Nikes yo he dude got Nikes and they made it they made it very clear to show you yeah yo look at this Nike bro we got Nikes I guess it's like those were those are clean and he just found them in a bin like you don't find Nikes in a bin he looks like garbage but them shoes though yes he's good to go uh and Sarah's Honda scooter scooter I don't know why I said that her scooter uh yeah
(56:03) I I have the exact model written down is it Honda or Yamaha it might have been a Yamaha no it was a Honda it said on the front I don't know the make but it said the it was called an elite yeah okay yeah I almost caught an elite I used to have a scooter myself uh I freaking love him I think they're a lot of fun uh and it would have been really cool to have this one which again if I got it I don't know if I would have yeah I'm not gonna go take it out for a spin it's a it's an iconic movie
(56:34) it's the most impactful brought from this entire film uh I just didn't draft it um everyone everybody thinks Terminator they think a Honda scooter yes um but no I wrote that down uh the the other jacket I'm surprised you didn't pick even I even served it up to you by saying it's probably you don't control me I know I'm not I'm just saying it I I I I I picked a leather jacket because it's more iconic in the in the media but that jacket dude wore it for like 80 of the movie I was like very shocked to see
(57:06) that that was still the outfit because when I initially wrote it I was like okay I know he's I know he's gonna change and I expected the change to come well before halfway I thought for some reason he was in the leather jacket for like the majority of the film but he really wasn't he was in this goon jacket for like the whole almost the whole film so I was like that that was pretty big like that that's something that I almost debated about drafting are you talking about Kyle's check because that was
(57:29) actually on the prop store I think you're talking about the trench coat uh no no no he has like this like Patchwork jacket later oh no no I mean I don't look Kyle smile bro I'm I'm here for Arnold Schwarzenegger I'm here for the Terminator bro it's the name of the film it's the Terminator I don't know that's that's what I was looking at so uh anything on your list yeah let's see um Reese's sonoff shotgun he's and then on my list I did not take it though I like how they have like the
(57:58) juxtaposition of like all right here's how Arnold gets his clothes here here's how to resched his clothes here's Arnold going to a gunsmith or gun shop killing the man taking these guns here's Rhys sneaking into a cop car taking the gun and sawing off the freaking grip like they they they parallel their Journey a lot so that's just something I didn't mention I gotta say though like the way that they got their clothes not too different like as far as like a disrespectful level all right yes like
(58:29) like Arnold Schwarzenegger like the Terminator just kills somebody and but kills some bad guys right not bad guys but just some douchebags right Kyle stole the pants of a homeless man I mean are we just gonna let that slide all right that's that's pretty disrespectful I guess he did he did need pants yes but he stole pants off a homeless guy that's yes he probably could have found pants in a better way if we're if we're I'm not a writer but if you're trying to write your your good
(58:56) guy your hero but again I guess that plays into the uh is he a good bag is he bad guy oh he didn't kill the guy so I guess that's you're supposed to you're left to infer that he spared his life for his pants so I guess that's that's something uh I had that I also had um something that I saw in Prop Store also was the Terminators blown up endoskeleton skull fragment so at the end when they put the pipe bomb on him and he blows up into like the haves yeah a part of his skull apparently pops off so you that's on the
(59:28) prop store but uh I didn't really want that and then the plasma rifle that they used in the future uh they had like the molds the molds for that but it didn't just look like generic generic gun it wasn't as cool as the 45. yeah the only other thing I I had was the Polaroid picture camera and then I saw it get burned and I was like I mean obviously the picture's still out there they probably still have that picture somewhere but yeah I'm a sucker for a good Polaroid camera so that thing at
(59:58) the end every movie just yeah yeah oh yeah I gotta what was she doing at the end of that film where was she going she's weird somewhere to become a freaking uh where do they call it a prepper yeah I don't it's strange I don't know she was just like they were in like what Mexico I don't know what was she was yeah just driving her topless Jeep you don't go on long trips on a Jeep without a top to New Mexico and it was about the storm yeah it was gonna rain yes what are you doing yeah I don't know okay listen they got their
(1:00:35) shot all right they they did what they did look she looked cool in the Jeep I'll give her that looked pretty sweet but she wasn't driving in the rain all right I didn't look like there was a bridge to crawl under either so I don't know I don't know but anyway that was uh that was a Terminator this this was fun this movie was good it definitely rekindled my uh my interest I want to go I want to finish it I want to go through all of them and I know it feels it feels daunting though like like if I had just
(1:01:00) one movie you know what I mean I'd be like okay but now I feel like I'm like three movies back it's gonna flow it really will because it really won't be that bad it right it'll be good I'm 100 watching Terminator 2 again like I I own I own the first two I don't own the I don't own a third one but I need to I need once I've watched them I'll start buying them like that's the thing is like I'll probably I gotta finish that collection even though you're telling me some of
(1:01:24) them are pretty bad but we'll see the thing is I'm easily I'm easy to uh entertain just because I watch movies for the sake of being entertained so if something's something has to be really bad for me to be like ah that was bad like if something's bad I'm sure I could pick out good things from it like me saying this there are some of them that are like they're bit kind of bit yeah okay that's fair it's okay man you can say it it's a safe space it's hard I hate calling movies bad so much work and
(1:01:57) effort goes into them I will 100 say Men In Black International is bad uh and I will 100 say because I won't have this platform for a little while while we're on bad movies Jurassic Park top five it's it's right I can't even say it's it's 1a1b Jurassic Park and and I've already said it it's um Back to the Future for me the favorite movies all the time Jurassic world dominion and I'll say this if you've seen Jurassic world Dominion reach out to me I would love to have a
(1:02:27) dialogue with you about that film that is the saddest ending to the Jurassic Park slash World universe I could have ever asked for that movie sucked it just it I've never I've never been so passionate about disappointed in a film in so long like three steps away from starting a class action lawsuit I'm so glad I felt I was I felt guilty as a Jurassic Park Fan that I did not go see this movie in theaters I had I had a kid you know we have a baby it's like really tough to get away we both wanted to see it at the same time so we just
(1:03:07) waited it was on peacock and or I think I think it's a a Prime video now I wish I could get my money back and I've watched it for free you know I it was so bad okay anyway we'll get into a tangent I'm sure in the future uh stay tuned to our YouTube channel we're gonna go maybe we'll go into that maybe we'll do a little deeper dive of just like some movies that we just we can just bag on I don't know like we feel comfortable I I could go for a half hour on Jurassic Park Dominion alone but uh our YouTube
(1:03:38) channel is going to get a little more content we're gonna start doing a little more fun stuff on there outside of just the podcast so we want to do some more more stuff on there but if you have any suggestions feel free drop them drop them you know drop us a line on our on our Instagram uh it's everything's at movie propcast uh on our Twitter page as well you can send us some stuff I don't think I could just rag on a movie like I'm thinking about a movie that I would just be like that was bad
(1:04:02) these choices were bad the acting was bad it was trash okay so you haven't seen grown-ups too no so you haven't seen Mark Wahlberg's Transformers bro come on I did but come on was it good no no okay okay that's okay the Transformers are always cool in these films the problem with those we're literally uh this is this is a preview we're gonna get out of here in about one minute okay but I'm just saying real quick the Transformers are always the coolest part of the Transformers films
(1:04:41) they look they went off the rails they stopped caring about the Transformer stories and they started they tried to feed us this stupid storyline we don't give a damn about the humans bro like just show me The Robots what are we doing I don't know B stores is coming out this year I'ma watch it though I'm gonna watch it I'm so ready I'm ready all right yeah let's go all right we're gonna thank you guys for listening again so much we obviously really appreciate it and uh and we'll be back next our
(1:05:06) next episode I don't want to give a little teaser but there was a video game that just came out recently based on the universe of the of this I'm nervous this is a big one this is this is like you talked about your 1a1bs this franchise is like one of my top three favorite franchises um all right I don't want to say anything I don't want to give away too much but I'm like I'm gonna start getting warts uh all right let's get out of here and uh and we'll see you guys on the next episode
(1:05:37) Hogwarts that's what I meant okay let's see [Music]